Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Travel Insurance Important?

Travel Insurance is an effort to give you unforgettable experience while a individual is traveling and giving his mind a peace while he is on voyage.
Getting insurance in travel does not required much effort or take your pocket empty or much time consuming, but buying a cheap Travel Insurance India will take few minutes.
Some individual travel overseas without any insurance, but it is recommendable by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with lots of good reason. Department handles almost 20,000 cases of Australians which includes over 700 hospitalizations and 100 evacuations of Australians to another location for medical purposes.
These cases can be extremely expensive, with hospitalization costs in Southeast Asia regularly exceeding $800 per day and medical evacuations from the United States often costing as much as $95,000. Occurred cases is much expensive as cost of hospitalization in Southeast Asia costs $800 exceeds which results evacuations from the United States which often costing as much as $95,000.
This is unfortunate as department has to deal with that families and resulting selling of ancestral home .Consider the example of one young Australian holidaying in the US. As for example of one Australian holidaying in us. He was given 12 month travel insurance policy, he was hit by a car and suffers heavy head injury and his policy was to expire in few days.
He was in very bad condition and admitted in intensive care unit in highly sophisticated care until he was able to be back in Australia. Cost of medical evacuation was resulting $70,000 resulting his family to mortgage on their home such a tragic happen to him and his family.

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